Stone Age Glasses | Alissa Volchkova

In the Stone Age series Alissa Volchkova uses crystal glass – a natural material, considered today as luxurious in a paradoxical, irregular and imperfect way. Through this rough approach her aim is to challenge our perception of this material, usually presented polished, shiny, transparent with perfect symmetrical cuts. The final aspect of crystal here is imperfect: mat, rough, irregular – opposite to what we are used with this precious matter.

Alissa is imitating the primitive and simple making techniques that humans of the Sone Age era developed, such as carving, breaking, cutting, using a simple knife. She managed to make these glasses with instinctive gestures, without thinking about the final shape of the objects.

Our gestures and manners are influenced by the weight and thickness of the glasses that are very heavy, reminding the weight of the stones. Instead of taking them with a subtle and careful gesture – as we would do with a glass of wine – we hold them in a primitive way.